
Vallejo citadel color conversion chart
Vallejo citadel color conversion chart

vallejo citadel color conversion chart

otherwise, we are all just people who enjoy the game.Unable to find a paint that you used to use? Has something been discontinued? Want to find the equivalent paint in a different range? Here is the ultimate painting matrix, comparing the games workshop Citadel paints with every known equivalent. The Moderator symbol will be shown next to the mod's username only if it is an announcement so if you see it, you may want to check it out.

vallejo citadel color conversion chart

DO NOT ask mods what the karma threshold is. Black/Red painting studio: Citadel to Vallejo Game/Model color conversion chart Monday, 27 April 2009 Citadel to Vallejo Game/Model color conversion chart For all those willing to use vallejo paints but don't know the exact equivalence. If you post from an account with a low karma score your submission will not be visible until reviewed by a moderator. Submissions from accounts with low karma scores will be filtered automatically to help avoid spam. Please post memes in /r/Grimdank or /r/40kmemes Memes are not allowed on /r/Warhammer40k. Unofficial Citadel-Vallejo chart Uploaded by Giorgio Moroni Description: A chart to convert easily colours from vallejo ranges to games workshop/citadel ranges, both new and old. This includes spilled washes and posts not related to Games Workshop or Warhammer 40k

vallejo citadel color conversion chart

Low effort posts will be removed at moderators discretion. Please note this includes linking to your Patreon or Kickstarter or linking to, requesting or offering to share 3D Print Files (regardless of whether they are paid or free). Hate speech, trolling, disrespectful behaviour and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.ĭO NOT post full rules quotes from the BRB or Codexs, as we do not want any attention from GW Legal. The thickness of the paint surface sheen and the brand of paint. Review our full rules HERE or read the summary below:īe respectful. Vallejo color charts for models and miniatures like model color model air model wash. This subreddit for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k Rules that are all connected in the 40k universe. Many of my paint are near the end and I wanted to switch to other company that Citadel due to their crappy pots. A delta of less than 3 (green blocks) represent a very close match, nearly visually indistinguishable. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds.

Vallejo citadel color conversion chart